“HOLD ME TONIGHT” – Listen to YOUR INNER VOICE! (Press text)
(Press text)
There are hugs that always give new strength to solve problems. Hold me tonight – with love, trust and hope for the great goal: peace and freedom.
Every day good fights against evil and evil against good. When will we finally understand to separate the true from the false and listen to our inner voice to seek the best within us. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. To know what is right or wrong. All we have to do is listen and draw with our heart the contours of a better world. We would silence our ego. We would no longer be ignorant of the needs of others. Nature, too, would get the respect it has long deserved. We would have no problems at all and the world would be a better place, if only we would listen to what the inner voice tells us – instead of blindly believing and often blindly following what the power says. But do lies and betrayal, corruption and greed really have to go on forever? It is time for a light of hope …
Picture: © Kanisi Ltd. #rotorvideos
And that is exactly what is shining now: „HOLD ME TONIGHT“ by Chancy Squire. A driving, gloriously rocking and mainstream pop song that stands for peace, freedom, values, truth, hope, love and so much more. Chancy Squire has spared no effort to experiment in selected recording studios until verse, chorus and bridge merged into a unity that gives the song its very own style and listenable, hit-worthy distinctiveness. With this new single from their second studio and successful album „HERE WE GO AGAIN“, the band of catchy melodies and lyrical message presents another song that shows their typical polyphony in the sound of the brand identity of acoustic 6- and 12-string guitars. Because: What would we be without hope in our hearts?
Every day good fights against evil and evil against good. When will we finally understand to separate the true from the false and listen to our inner voice to seek the best within us. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. To know what is right or wrong. All we have to do is listen and draw with our heart the contours of a better world. We would silence our ego. We would no longer be ignorant of the needs of others. Nature, too, would get the respect it has long deserved. We would have no problems at all and the world would be a better place, if only we would listen to what the inner voice tells us – instead of blindly believing and often blindly following what the power says. But do lies and betrayal, corruption and greed really have to go on forever? It is time for a light of hope …
And that is exactly what is shining now: „HOLD ME TONIGHT“ by Chancy Squire. A driving, gloriously rocking and mainstream pop song that stands for peace, freedom, values, truth, hope, love and so much more. Chancy Squire has spared no effort to experiment in selected recording studios until verse, chorus and bridge merged into a unity that gives the song its very own style and listenable, hit-worthy distinctiveness. With this new single from their second studio and successful album „HERE WE GO AGAIN“, the band of catchy melodies and lyrical message presents another song that shows their typical polyphony in the sound of the brand identity of acoustic 6- and 12-string guitars. Because: What would we be without hope in our hearts?
Picture: © Kanisi Ltd. #rotorvideos
After the incredible success of our song „For A Better World“ with over 195 K, we are even more pleased that we have already received internationally fantastic feedback from the experienced groover music curators and professionals with our new release „Hold Me Tonight“. We can’t even tell you how happy we are – a small excerpt from the positive reviews arriving daily at this point. With love, Chancy …
“HOLD ME TONIGHT” – Hör auf deine innere Stimme! (Pressetext)
Es gibt Umarmungen, die immer wieder neue Kraft geben, Probleme zu lösen. Halt mich heute Nacht – mit Liebe, Vertrauen und Hoffnung auf das große Ziel: Frieden und Freiheit.
Jeden Tag kämpft das Gute gegen das Böse und das Böse gegen das Gute. Wann werden wir endlich verstehen, das Wahre vom Falschen zu trennen und auf unsere innere Stimme zu hören, um in uns das Beste zu suchen. Tag für Tag, Stunde für Stunde, Minute für Minute. Um zu wissen, was richtig oder falsch ist. Alles, was wir tun müssen, ist zuzuhören und mit unserem Herzen die Konturen einer besseren Welt zu zeichnen. Wir würden unser Ego zum Schweigen bringen. Wir würden nicht länger ignorant sein gegenüber den Bedürfnissen der anderen. Auch die Natur bekäme den Respekt, den sie längst verdient. Wir hätten überhaupt keine Probleme und die Welt wäre eine bessere Welt, würden wir doch nur auf das hören, was die innere Stimme uns sagt – statt unreflektiert dem Gesagten der Macht zu glauben und oft blindlings zu folgen. Aber müssen denn wirklich Lügen und Verrat, Korruption und Gier immer so weitergehen? Es wird Zeit für ein Licht der Hoffnung …
Und genau das leuchtet jetzt: „HOLD ME TONIGHT“ von Chancy Squire. Ein treibender, herrlich rockiger und mainstreamiger Popsong, der für Frieden, Freiheit, Werte, Wahrheit, Hoffnung, Liebe und soviel mehr steht. Chancy Squire hat dafür keinen Aufwand gescheut, in ausgewählten Tonstudios lange zu experimentieren, bis Strophe, Refrain und Bridge zu einer Einheit verschmolzen, die dem Song seine ganz eigene Stilistik und hinhörenswerte, hitverdächtige Unverwechselbarkeit schenkt. Mit dieser neuen Single-Auskopplung aus ihrem nunmehr bereits zweiten Studio- und Erfolgsalbum „HERE WE GO AGAIN“, präsentiert die Band der eingängigen Melodien und textlichen Botschaft einen weiteren Song, der ihre typische Mehrstimmigkeit im Sound der Brand Identity akustischer 6- und 12-String-Gitarren aufzeigt. Denn: Was wären wir ohne Hoffnung in unseren Herzen?
Official Chancy Squire Video licenses: © Kanisi Ltd. (rotorvideos)