Photo: ChristArt/
Together we can change the world, fighting for the good. All races, all religions,
side by side, hand in hand. Start in your families, in your neighborhood. Respect, help, and tolerate each other, take care of each other, talk to each other. All for love. All for understanding. Like many single raindrops form a lake, and many rivers create an ocean, our single voices together will roar like thunder! When nothing else can be done, everything starts again. Join us in thoughts and deeds. Together we are strong – stand up for a better world!

Photo: bst2012/

Photo: saravut/

Photo: Nejron Photo/

Photo: zolotareva elina/
Because our time is only borrowed on this unique planet – that’s what makes the big picture so important. That’s why we wanted to start this message across the nations and at the beginning we only recorded Klaus and the guitar, in the singer / songwriter style. Then we added more and more voices and put in many choirs. Every voice should set a sign, all voices together should be one unit. Drums and percussion drive the groove. Even a rapper shares with us the message to share: the dream of a better world. It is worth the commitment of each individual!
“Stand up for a better world”
Gemeinsam können wir die Welt verändern und für das Gute kämpfen. Alle Rassen, alle Religionen, Seite an Seite, Hand in Hand. Beginnt in euren Familien, in eurer Nachbarschaft. Respektiert, helft und toleriert einander, kümmert euch umeinander, redet miteinander. Alles für die Liebe. Alles fürs Verständnis. So wie viele einzelne Regentropfen einen See und viele Flüsse einen Ozean bilden, werden unsere Einzelstimmen wie Donner hallen! Denn wenn nichts anderes mehr getan werden kann, beginnt alles von vorn. Begleitet uns in Gedanken und mit Taten. Gemeinsam sind wir stark – tretet mit ein für eine bessere Welt!
Denn unsere Zeit ist nur geborgt auf diesem einzigartigen Planeten – das macht das große Ganze so wichtig. Wir wollten deshalb diese Botschaft völkerverbindend beginnen und haben anfangs nur Klaus und die Gitarre aufgenommen, ganz im Singer-/Songwriter-Stil. Dann addierten wir immer mehr Stimmen und setzten viele Chöre ein. Jede Stimme sollte ein Zeichen setzen, alle Stimmen zusammen sollten eine Einheit sein. Schlagzeug und Percussion treiben den Groove. Auch ein Rapper teilt mit uns die Botschaft, die es zu teilen gilt: den Traum von einer besseren Welt. Dafür lohnt sich das Engagement jedes einzelnen!
Chancy Squire:
© 2015 words & music by Klaus Rieger
Here we stand and we sing for a much better world
where the gates of heaven are still open,
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
stand up for a better world
A healer named Jesus taught us to love
to forgive and to worship his father high above
then Mahatma Gandhi showed resistance in peace
he suffered heavy punishment from his enemies
Here we stand and we sing for a much better world
where the gates of heaven are still open,
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
for those who stand up for a better world
Do you still remember Martin Luther King
and his famous words about his dream
or Nelson Mandela who taught us to endure
he turned his back against the regime
Here we stand and we sing for a much better world
where the gates of heaven are still open,
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
for those who stand up for a better world
Sister, take my hand and brother, hold on tight
hope will lighten our darkest night
Here we stand and we sing for a much better world
where the gates of heaven are still open,
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
for those who stand up for a better world
Here we stand and we sing for a much better world
where the gates of heaven are still open,
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
for those who stand up for a better world
for the generous and the brave, for the sick and the poor
stand up for a better world